
John Kannenberg is an artist, researcher, teacher, performer, storyteller, and writer.
He is also Director & Chief Curator of The Museum of Portable Sound.

A Deck of Portable Sound Cards™

A Deck of Portable Sound Cards™

Created for the Museum of Portable Sound and published by Museum of Portable Sound Press, this is a specially curated deck of 50 Portable Sound Cards™ featuring waveforms of fifty different sounds from throughout the Museum of Portable Sound’s Permanent Collection Galleries.

The decks also include three additional cards: an introductory text and a two-card index list of the included 50 sounds.

The cards are intended to be used as source material for studying the integral role that sounds play within human culture, with the decks allowing their owners to hold the culture of sound in their hands.

Get A Deck of Portable Sound Cards™

Hearing Enlightenment

Hearing Enlightenment

Brown University's Public Work Podcast

Brown University's Public Work Podcast